Category:Copy to Wikispecies

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This category contains articles that are candidates to be transwikied to Wikispecies, one of Wikipedia's sibling projects. All pages with the {{Copy to Wikispecies}} template on them are listed here. This category is a self-reference.

Log • Script
Commons Template • Category
Meta Template • Category • Export log • Import log (automatic) • Import log (manual)
Wikibooks Template (Cookbook | Targeted) • Category • Export log • Import log (automatic) • Import log (manual)
Wikiquote Template • Category • Export log • Import log
Wikisource Template (Targeted) • Category • Export log • Import log (automatic) • Import log (manual)
Wikispecies Template • Category
Wiktionary Template • Category • Export log • Import log (automatic) • Import log (manual)

Pages in category "Copy to Wikispecies"

There is one page in this section of this category.