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[edit] Flags

  • Vector flags not yet available for:

[edit] WP:WSS/ST update

This Perl script can be used to update WP:WSS/ST. It takes 3 filenames as parameters:

  1. The file containing stub category sizes. It should be formatted like User:Alai/Stub-counts.
  2. The file containing the wikicode of WP:WSS/ST.
  3. The output file.

To run the script on *nix systems, you may need to correct the path to perl on your machine found in the first line.


open Sizes, $ARGV[0] || die "Cannot open $ARGV[0]: $!\n";
open Types, $ARGV[1] || die "Cannot open $ARGV[1]: $!\n";
open Out, ">$ARGV[2]" || die "Cannot open $ARGV[2]: $!\n";

sub Bin {
  my $v = $_[0];
  if ($v > 800) {
    return sprintf("'''%i pages'''", $v/200 + 1);
  if ($v >= 100) {
    return sprintf("<%i00", $v/100 + 1);
  return "<100" if $v >= 50;
  return "<50" if $v >= 25;
  return "<25" if $v >= 10;
  return "<10";

while ($str = <Sizes>) {
  if ($str =~ /\{\{cl\|(.*)\}\}\s+'*(\d+)'*/) {
        $category = $1;
        $number = $2;
        $category =~ s/_/ /g;
    $size{$category} = $number;

while ($str = <Types>) {
  if ($str =~ /(.*?\[\[\:Category\:([^|]*)\|.*\{\{tl\|.*\}\})/ && $size{$2}) {
    $bin = Bin($size{$2});
        print Out "$1 - $bin on March 16\n";
  else {
    print Out $str;

[edit] Stub types not listed at WP:WSS/ST

This is the list of stub types that are not listed at WP:WSS/ST. The stub types that are listed in nonstanard way (and therefore weren't caught by the script) are also here. Feel free to remove such stub types from this list.

Last update: October 14 database dump vs October 18 WP:WSS/ST.