Convex optimization

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Convex optimization is a subfield of mathematical optimization. Given a real vector space X together with a convex, real-valued function

f:A\to \mathbb R

defined on a convex subset A of X, the problem is to find the point x in A for which the number f(x) is smallest.

The convexity of A and f makes the powerful tools of convex analysis applicable: the Hahn-Banach theorem and the theory of subgradients lead to a particularly satisfying and complete theory of necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality, a duality theory comparable in perfection to that for linear programming, and effective computational methods.


[edit] Properties

The following statements are true about the convex optimization problem:

  • if a local minimum exists, then it is a global minimum
  • the set of all (global) minima is convex
  • if the function is strictly convex, then there exists at most one minimum

[edit] Example

In a significant example, the set A is defined by a system of inequalities involving m convex functions g1, g2, ..., gm defined on X, like this:

A = \left\lbrace{x\in X \vert g_1(x)\le0, \ldots, g_m(x)\le0}\right\rbrace.

The Lagrange function for the problem is

L(x,λ0,...,λm) = λ0f(x) + λ1g1(x) + ... + λmgm(x).

For each point x in A that minimizes f over A, there exist real numbers λ0, ..., λm, called Lagrange multipliers, that satisfy these conditions simultaneously:

  1. x minimizes L(y, λ0, λ1, ..., λm) over all y in X,
  2. λ0 ≥ 0, λ1 ≥ 0, ..., λm ≥ 0, with at least one λk>0,
  3. λ1g1(x) = 0, ... , λmgm(x) = 0

If there exists a "strictly feasible point", i.e., a point z satisfying

g1(z) < 0,...,gm(z) < 0,

then the statement above can be upgraded to assert that λ0=1.

Conversely, if some x in A satisfies 1)-3) for scalars λ0, ..., λm with λ0 = 1, then x is certain to minimize f over A.

[edit] External links

Modeling languages / solvers:

[edit] References

  • Rockafellar, R. T. (1970). Convex analysis. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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