Constructive Theology

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Constructive Theology is the re-definition of what has historically been known as Systematic theology. The reason for this reevaluation stems from the idea that, in systematic theology, the theologian attempts to develop a coherent theory running through the various doctrines within the tradition (Christology, eschatology, pneumatology, etc.). The problem underlying such study is that in constructing a system of theology, certain elements are left out, or "fudged" in order to maintain the coherence of the overall system. One's ideas concerning God's omniscence, for example, are left underdeveloped in order to maintain the system's Doctrine of Free Will. The "system" is therefore a-systematic.

In response to this realization, some theologians (Sallie McFague, Kristen Kvam, Young-Ho Chun) feel that the term "Systematic" is no longer strictly valid in reference to theology, and prefer the language of Constructive Theology in reference to their work.

This is also the title of a theological journal on the same subject.

Recommended Texts

Constructive Theology: a Contemporary Approach to Classical Themes, eds. Serene Jones and Paul Lakeland

Constructive Christian Theology in the Worldwide Church, William R. Barr

Christian Feminist Theology: A Constructive Interpretation, Denise L. Carmody

Constructive Natural Theology, Newman Smyth