Congregation Tiferes Yisroel

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Congregation Tiferes Yisroel building
Congregation Tiferes Yisroel building
Rabbi Menachem Goldberger
Rabbi Menachem Goldberger

An Orthodox Jewish congregation located in Northwest Baltimore, Maryland. The leader of the congregation is Rabbi Menachem Goldberger.

Founded in 1986, the congregation is not affiliated with any of the various umbrella Orthodox organizations. It has its roots in the teachings of Rabbi Shloime Twerski, of whom Rabbi Goldberger was a longtime and close student.

The congregation places great emphasis on the use of music as a vehicle for becoming closer to G-d, a position shared by Shlomo Carlebach, of which many Tiferes Yisroel members are admirers. In addition, Rabbi Goldberger released a compilation of his own original religious compositions in 2004, called "Lecha Dodi".

Other areas of specific emphasis are the importance of family, the Land of Israel, and the lifelong study of Torah. The congregation puts great effort into being welcoming to all Jews, especially those who were not raised in the Orthodox Jewish tradition, such as Baalei teshuva or converts to Judaism.

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