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The Congo Tetra, Phenacogrammus interruptus, is a schooling Tetra, a type of fish popular in aquariums. It grows to 3 inches and is sutible for a community aquarium, it is a highly gregarious fish and should not be kept in groups of less than 6 - 8 species. To show them off to their best, an aquarium of length no less than 90cm is necessary as they like dashing from one side to the other. They will eat high quality flake food and small crustaceans (brine shrimp, etc) keeping them in a group also stimulates a good competition for food. A heavily planted tank will be best, with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0, a small amount of peat in the filter will help in dropping the pH and at the same time soften the water and give it a slight amber hue. A timid and active fish, the Congo Tetra will be a welcome addition to any community tank.