Concord grape

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Concord grapes
Concord grapes
Ripe grapes (near) and unripe grapes (far).  Unripe grapes can be made into verjuice.
Ripe grapes (near) and unripe grapes (far). Unripe grapes can be made into verjuice.

Concord grapes are a cultivar derived from the grape species Vitis labrusca (a.k.a. fox grape) which are used both as table grapes and wine grapes.

The skin of a Concord grape is typically dark blue or purple, and often is covered with a lighter colored "bloom" which can be rubbed off. It is a slip-skin variety, meaning that the skin is easily separated from the fruit. Concord grapes have large seeds and are highly aromatic. They are often used to make grape jelly, grape juice, grape-flavored soft drinks, and candy. The grape is sometimes used to make wine, particularly kosher wine, though it is not generally favored for that purpose due to the strong "foxy" (sometimes described as candied-strawberry/musky) flavor. Traditionally, most commercially produced Concord wines have been finished sweet, but dry versions are possible if adequate fruit ripeness is achieved.

Concord grapes may have health benefits, such as reducing hypertension and the negative effects of second-hand smoking, but the results of studies on these benefits are as yet inconclusive.[citation needed]

[edit] History

The Concord grape was developed in 1849 by Ephraim Wales Bull in Concord, Massachusetts. Bull planted seeds from wild Vitis labrusca and evaluated over 20,000 seedlings before finding what he considered the perfect grape, the original vine of which still grows at his former home. The pollen parent is unknown, but although 'Concord' is frequently considered to be basically a Vitis labrusca cultivar, some have argued that the hermaphrodite flowers suggest at least a small amount of Vitis vinifera in its pedigree. This trait has not been proven to exist in any native American grapes. However, Concord is definitely much more labrusca-like in its characteristics than vinifera-like. Many consider the likely male parent to have been Catawba, itself probably half Vitis labrusca, which Bull had growing nearby. Therefore it is more properly termed "Vitis x labruscana" rather than "Vitis labrusca".

In 1853, Bull's grape won first place at the Boston Horticultural Society Exhibition. It was then introduced to the market in 1854. Dr. Thomas Bramwell Welch developed the first 'Concord' grape juice in 1869. Through the process of pasteurization, the juice did not ferment. Welch originally introduced the grape juice to his church, to be used for communion.

Concord grapes are often used to make grape jelly and are occasionally available as table grapes, especially in New England and also in Texas. They are the usual grapes used in the jelly for the traditional peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and 'Concord' jelly is universally sold in U.S. supermarkets. 'Concord' grapes are used for grape juice, and their distinctive purple color has led to grape flavored soft drinks and candy being artificially colored purple. Recently, white grape juice with a milder flavor and less ability to stain fabric, primarily from 'Niagara' grapes, has risen in popularity at the expense of 'Concord' juice. The dark colored 'Concord' juice is used in some churches as a non-alcoholic alternative to wine in the service of communion.

In the United States, more than 400,000 tons of Concord grapes are harvested in the northern regions and Pacific Northwest. Washington produces the most, followed by New York. This is about 8% of the total U.S. grape harvest.

The Concord grape is particularly prone to the physiological disorder Black leaf. [1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ R. Irvine & W. Clore The Wine Project pg 31 Sketch Publications 1997 ISBN 0-9650834-9-7

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