
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conceptismo is a stylistic movement of the Baroque period of Spanish history. It began in the late 16th century and lasted through the 17th century. Conceptismo is characterized by a rapid rhythm, a direct style without hidden meaning, simple vocabulary, witty metaphors, and games with words. In this style, each work conveys multiple meanings in a very concise manner and is more concerned with concept intricacies than elaborate vocabulary. The most prominent writer of Castilian conceptismo is Francisco de Quevedo who wrote with an ironic style and satirical wit. Conceptismo is in stark contrast with culteranismo, which is another movement of the Baroque period that is characterized by ostentatious vocabulary, complex syntactical order, multiple, complicated metaphors, and little to no meaning. The most well known author of Spanish culteranismo, Luis de Góngora, had an ongoing feud with Francisco de Quevedo in which they both criticized the other’s writing and personal life.