Template talk:Commonscat1R

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] from inline comments

   Initially: This template is being used for pertinient 'cat nodes' outside the perview of the mapping equalization project. It's use is ITERIM, and should be superceded by full equalization {(lts|Commonscat4R)} at some point.

The Key differences is in the auto-categorization generated.

This (and other, including the commons) '1' series templates use: Wikipedia categories matching with Wikimedia Commons categories, and the others use the Cfd name: Wikipedia categories equalized with Wikimedia Commons categories, where
    'matches' means 'matches names and/or function', but there is work to be done
   (i.e. A Work In Progress or TO-DO list tag), and 'equalized' means such work is completed.

   Recent changes underway in late August 2006 will merge these two groups and eliminate a few name variants, as well as rename most of the templates.
In general
  • 'M' Variant templates provide access to a 'Main Article' which is assumed to be prefixed by 'History of ',
  • 'a' Variants allow specification of full article name w/o prefixing 'History of '...
  • 'R' Variants should have been the default type, and non-R templates will be changed to 'L' (left floating) variants, and 'R' variants will be de rigour... without the 'R'.

So one can specify:

Commons logo
Wikimedia Commons has sorted media in a matching Category.  Article:
Link: France

and they default to the main article: 'History of France' and category {PAGENAME} allowing the simplest application.

Another variant has 'a' as 'M', and allows FULL SPECIFICATION of an article name. The Commons category (Arg2) operates identically, as does the presentation, etc.

Copied inline notes // FrankB 23:38, 21 August 2006 (UTC)