Template talk:Commonscat1R
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] from inline comments
- Extracted
Initially: This template is being used for pertinient 'cat nodes' outside the perview of the mapping equalization project. It's use is ITERIM, and should be superceded by full equalization {(lts|Commonscat4R)} at some point.
The Key differences is in the auto-categorization generated.
This (and other, including the commons) '1' series templates use: Wikipedia categories matching with Wikimedia Commons categories, and the others use the Cfd name: Wikipedia categories equalized with Wikimedia Commons categories, where
'matches' means 'matches names and/or function', but there is work to be done
(i.e. A Work In Progress or TO-DO list tag), and 'equalized' means such work is completed.
Recent changes underway in late August 2006 will merge these two groups and eliminate a few name variants, as well as rename most of the templates.- In general
- 'M' Variant templates provide access to a 'Main Article' which is assumed to be prefixed by 'History of ',
- 'a' Variants allow specification of full article name w/o prefixing 'History of '...
- 'R' Variants should have been the default type, and non-R templates will be changed to 'L' (left floating) variants, and 'R' variants will be de rigour... without the 'R'.
So one can specify:
and they default to the main article: 'History of France' and category {PAGENAME} allowing the simplest application.
Another variant has 'a' as 'M', and allows FULL SPECIFICATION of an article name. The Commons category (Arg2) operates identically, as does the presentation, etc.