Computational genomics

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Modern genomics has been defined in many ways:

  • The study of genomes.
  • The molecular characterization of all the genes in a species.
  • The study of genes and their biochemical function in an organism.
  • The comprehensive study of the interactions and functional dynamics of whole sets of genes and their products.
  • The study of the genome and its significance to pathology and disease.

whichever definition we choose, it is impossible for genomics to achieve its fundamental goals without the use of advanced computational tools. The computational aspects of modern genomics go under the name "computational genomics".

Among other topics, computational genomics includes: bio-sequence analysis, gene expression data analysis, phylogenetic analysis, and more specifically pattern recognition and analysis problems such as gene finding, motif finding, gene function prediction, fusion of sequence and expression information, evolutionary models, etc.

[edit] See also

An academic course on this topic, with online material: