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The Spectravideo CompuMate SV010 was a homecomputer expansion for the Atari VCS / 2600 video game system.

It consists of a membrane keyboard unit with interface connectors: These connectors werde placed in the module slot and both controller ports of the Atari concole. As you could place the keyboard on the old style VCS consoles, the two devices resulted in one compact unit; When using with the 2600jr console, resulted in a desktop computer look with separated keyboard.

The CompuMate was equipped with a phone jack for use with a standard tape connector as a possibility of permanent data storage.

The CompuMate offered built-in software: - an BASIC programming language - a little MUSIC synthesizer program - and a very simple DRAW program. Ready in the unit's ROM were also sample sounds and sample pictures, available from the particular software.

In Germany, the CompuMate was also sold over "QUELLE", a catalogue company, which labelled it under its own-brand "UNIVERSUM".

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