Comparison of issue tracking systems

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This article is a comparison of issue tracking systems.

System Creator License Implementation
Back end Source code revision control system integration[1] Dynamic documentation integration/generation Test planning integration Customizable workflow Unicode support
Alcea Fast Bug Track Alcea Technologies, Inc. proprietary HTML/Java on all platforms web, e-mail flatfile or JDBC (MS SQL2000, Oracle, MySQL) Visual SourceSafe, Perforce, CVS online tutorials TestSpec module yes yes
Argus Thomas Mango BSD Java web PostgreSQL
AVS woodpecker issue tracker AVS GmbH proprietary PHP web MySQL Reporting: Integrated Charts and Reports Yes
Cerberus Helpdesk WebGroup Media LLC. proprietary PHP web, e-mail MySQL CVS knowledgebase Yes
ClearQuest IBM Rational proprietary Kernel: executables for several platforms. Hooks: Perl and Visual Basic web, Windows client, e-mail IBM DB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Sybase SQL Anywhere, ClearCase Reporting: Integrated Charts and interface to Crystal Reports Yes Yes
DevTrack TechExcel proprietary C++, C#, ISAPI Windows client, web, e-mail, Web services Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft Access CVS, Subversion, Perforce, Microsoft Team Server, AccuRev, Visual SourceSafe, ClearCase Complete reporting engine. Integrated with DevTest for test management Yes
Jitbit Helpdesk Jitbit Software proprietary ASP.NET 2.0 web, e-mail Microsoft SQL Server Yes
HelpSpot UserScape proprietary PHP web, e-mail Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL
IssueTrackerProduct Peter Bengtsson ZPL Python web, e-mail
itracker LGPL Java web, Eclipse plugin, Web service
ExoHelpDesk ExoScripts custom/free PHP on all platforms web, e-mail MySQL basic reporting yes yes no
Liberum Help Desk Doug Luxem GPL ASP web Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access
Mojo Helpdesk Mojo Helpdesk from Metadot Corp. Online / hosted only Ruby on Rails Web, e-mail RSS, API, Webservices
OTRS OTRS GmbH GPL Perl web, e-mail DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle auto FAQ generation Yes
PHP Support Tickets proprietary web MySQL
Public Folder HelpDesk for Outlook proprietary Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Access
Remedy Action Request System Remedy Corporation proprietary thick Windows client, web, Web services Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, Informix, Sybase
Request Tracker Best Practical Solutions LLC GPL Perl web, e-mail, command-line MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Subversion,CVS
ServiceCenter Peregrine Systems proprietary web
Simpleticket Spur GPL Ruby on Rails web MySQL, PostgreSQL Subversion
Sinergia GLR GPL C# ASP.NET web Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Workflow Foundation Yes
SmarterTicket [1] SmarterTools [2] proprietary web, e-mail MySQL, MSDE, SQL Server Knowledgebase, Reporting
Support Fusion Support Fusion proprietary Web, E-Mail SQL Server Knowledgebase, Reporting, Auto FAQ Generation Yes
SupportSuite proprietary PHP web, e-mail MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle auto FAQ generation
Teamwork (software) Open Lab proprietary, GPL Java web, e-mail All relational (Hibernate)
VisionProject Visionera AB proprietary Java web (Hosted or installed version), e-mail Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL Reporting, knowledgebase, suppport center Yes Yes
Web Help Desk MacsDesign Studio, LLC proprietary Java web, e-mail OpenBase, FrontBase, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle auto FAQ generation
Bug-tracking systems
AceProject Websystems, Inc proprietary web Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server
AVS woodpecker issue tracker AVS GmbH proprietary PHP web MySQL Reporting: Integrated Charts and Reports Yes
Arctic Olate Ltd proprietary PHP web (installed on own server or hosted) MySQL
Axosoft OnTime Axosoft proprietary C#/.net Web (Hosted or Locally Installed); Windows Client; Visual Studio .NET 2003/2005 IDE Integration; Email Microsoft SQL Server Optimized Perforce SCM; SourceGear Vault; Microsoft Visual Sourcesafe; Subversion Yes,Built-in custom reporting engine Yes - can be integrated with freely available SDK Yes, unlimited # of workflow templates Yes
Bee Cloudburst proprietary (subscription model) Ruby web MySQL, Sqlite
BugSentry IT Collaborate proprietary
BugAware Jackal Software proprietary ASP Web (ASP Hosted or Locally Installed) Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server
BugTracker.NET Corey Trager GPL ASP.NET/C# on Windows web, e-mail Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server Express, MSDE Integrated charts and reports Yes Yes
Bugzero WEBsina Software proprietary Java web, e-mail MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server CVS, Perforce source control Yes, per project Yes
Bugzilla Mozilla Foundation MPL Perl web, e-mail MySQL, PostgreSQL CVS, Subversion, Perforce No[2]
Clarity proprietary Java web File system Subversion Yes
Collaboa Johan Sørensen MIT License Ruby on Rails web MySQL Subversion
CVSTrac D. Richard Hipp BSD variant C web SQLite CVS, Subversion, GIT integrated wiki
DITrack BSD Python command line Subversion repository
Eventum MySQL AB GPL PHP web, e-mail, IRC MySQL CVS
FIT Alcea Technologies, Inc. proprietary HTML/Java on all platforms web, e-mail flatfile or JDBC (MS SQL2000, Oracle, MySQL) Visual SourceSafe, Perforce, CVS online tutorials Test Spec template yes yes
FogBugz Fog Creek Software proprietary ASP/VBScript on Windows, PHP on Mac and Linux web, e-mail, RSS Microsoft Jet, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL Visual SourceSafe, Perforce, CVS, Subversion, Vault yes
Flyspray LGPL PHP web, e-mail, Jabber ADOdb
Gemini Countersoft proprietary C# web, e-mail Microsoft SQL Server/MSDE, ASP.NET
JIRA Atlassian Software Systems proprietary Java web, e-mail, RSS DB2, Firebird, HSQLDB, MaxDB, Mckoi, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase Clearcase, Accurev, Perforce, CVS, Subversion Atlassian Confluence (enterprise wiki) plugins Yes
Mantis Bugtracker Victor Boctor GPL PHP web, e-mail MySQL CVS, Subversion note Auto Changelog, Integrated Wiki (DokuWiki) TestLink Yes
Quality Assurance Studio - Problem Tracking and Reporting (QAS.PTAR) OBJENTIS Software Integration GmbH proprietary IBM Lotus Notes web, e-mail, groupware IBM Lotus Domino or SQL Database (DB2, Oracle ...) Yes Yes
Roundup Ka-Ping Yee, Richard Jones MIT (ZPL v 2.0 for the template system) Python web, e-mail SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL
Scarab Apache-style license Java web MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle[3] Yes [4]
Serena - TeamTrack Serena Software proprietary C++ web Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access
StarTeam Originally Starbase Corporation, currently Borland proprietary Java, C++, others 6 varieties of custom client (Java IDE, command line, integrated into various Borland IDEs, custom SDK clients, Visual Studio client) Microsoft SQL Server recommended, Oracle, DB2 supported custom Borland provides full suite
TestDirector Mercury Interactive proprietary Internet Explorer no included
TestTrack Pro Seapine Software proprietary web; Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux clients Native Cross Platform Database, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Surround SCM, Visual SourceSafe, ClearCase, PVCS, Perforce, CVS, StarTeam, SourceOffSite Classic Integrated charts and reports, external reporting supported through ODBC interface Yes, with TestTrack TCM Yes Yes
Trac Edgewall Software BSD variant Python web SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL Subversion (built-in), Darcs, Bazaar-NG, Mercurial, Perforce integrated wiki Yes
Track+ Trackplus proprietary Java web, e-mail Firebird, Hypersonic SQL, InterBase, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL CVS, Subversion
TrackStudio Enterprise TrackStudio proprietary Java web, e-mail HSQLDB, Firebird, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, ORACLE, PostgreSQL CVS, Subversion Integrated reporting, charts, export to PDF, Excel, CSV, XML, MS Project Yes, multiple workflows per project Yes
Unfuddle Subventurate LLC proprietary Ruby on Rails web, e-mail MySQL Subversion (web-based and over SSL) integrated blog, source control and project management tools
  1. ^ See also Scmbug.
  2. ^ Can be simulated with “flags.”
  3. ^ Scarab Databases. Scarab Documentation. Retrieved on August 27, 2006.
  4. ^ Scarab Workflow. Scarab Documentation. Retrieved on August 27, 2006. |

[edit] See also

[edit] External links