Communion (chant)

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The Communion is the Gregorian chant sung during the distribution of the Eucharist in the Roman Rite Catholic Mass. It is one of the antiphonal chants of the Proper of the Mass, and the final chant in the proper. It is followed by the Post-Communion.

There are several Choral works that have been composed that draw directly or thematically from the ceremony of Communion that are titled Lux Aeterna (disambiguation). Notably Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who was raised Catholic, composed a Requiem Mass, in which the final Communio movement is called Lux Aeterna.

The text is ordinarily from a psalm.

[edit] See also

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Gregorian chants of the Roman Mass



Kyrie | Gloria | Credo | Sanctus | Agnus Dei | Ite missa est or Benedicamus Domino
Introit | Gradual | Alleluia or Tract | Sequence | Offertory | Communion
Collect | Epistle | Gospel | Secret | Preface | Canon | Postcommunion