Common Genet

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iCommon Genet

Conservation status

Least concern (LR/lc)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Viverridae
Subfamily: Viverrinae
Genus: Genetta
Species: G. genetta
Binomial name
Genetta genetta
Linnaeus, 1758

The Common Genet (Genetta genetta), also known as the Small-spotted Genet or European Genet, is a carnivore mammal, related to civets and linsangs. The most far-ranging of all the eleven species of genet, it can be found throughout Africa, parts of the Middle East, and in Europe in Spain, Portugal, the Balearic Islands, and parts of France. There are also small populations that have escaped from captivity in Germany, Belgium and Switzerland.

A secretive, nocturnal species, the Common Genet inhabits rocky terrain with caves, dense scrubland, pine forests and marshland. This handsome, feline-looking animal, has a pale grey and black spotted coat, with a long striped tail. Like all genets, it has a small head, large ears and eyes, and short legs with retractable claws. Males are larger than females, and juveniles are darker grey.

The Common Genet has a varied diet, that consists of small mammals, lizards, birds, amphibians, insects and even fruit. The Wood Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) is a favourite prey, but genets from the Balearics live chiefly on lizards. As genets are expert climbers, they also prey on Red Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) and Dormice (Eliomys quercinus). Genets kill with a bite to the neck, like cats.

This species is sometimes kept as an exotic pet in the U.S.A..

Along with other viverrids, genets are considered to be the closest modern species to the extinct common ancestors of Carnivora.

[edit] Subspecies

As many as 30 subspecies of the Common Genet have been named, and many are under debate as to their validity. They include:

  • Genetta genetta afra (North Africa)
  • Genetta genetta balearica (Majorca, Balearic Islands)
  • Genetta genetta felina
  • Genetta genetta genetta
  • Genetta genetta granti (Southwest Arabia)
  • Genetta genetta hintoni
  • Genetta genetta isabelae (Spain, Ibiza)
  • Genetta genetta pulchra
  • Genetta genetta pyrenaica (Pyrenees, France)
  • Genetta genetta rhodanica
  • Genetta genetta terraesanctae (Palestine)
  • Genetta genetta senegalensis (Spain)

Although a relatively common species, the Ibizan subspecies, G. g. isabelae, is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.

[edit] References

Morrison, Paul (1994). Mammals, Reptiles & Amphibians of Britain and Europe. MacMillan. ISBN 0-333-62998-1. | pages=132-133

Animal Diversity Web
Lioncrusher's Domain
IUCN Red List
American Society of Mammalologists
Article on keeping genets as pets