Committee to Elect No One

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No One

The Committee to Elect No One (CENO) is an American organization that coordinates the satirical presidential campaign of a candidate named No One. Like other dada-esque organizations (eg. The Church of the Subgenius), it is unclear which elements of CENO's offbeat campaigning are serious and which are parody.

The Committee to Elect No One operates under the slogan "No One represents you!" This and similar double entendres in CENO's various statements can be interpreted as an attack on the concept of political representation and electoralism.

For instance, CENO's current website states:

"Of this years presidential candidates, No One is breathing new life into our stale and corrupted political system. No One is prepared to stand up to corporate control in Washington. No One has a consistent record of opposition to the imperial ambitions of this, and previous, administrations. No One deserves your trust and confidence!"

CENO's political perspective is implicitly libertarian socialist and its website makes reference to support for decentralization and "consensual direct democracy".

[edit] See also