Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
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The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) is a committee within the European Parliament.
The committee is responsible for:
1. environmental policy and environmental protection measures, in particular concerning:
- (a) air, soil and water pollution, waste management and recycling, dangerous substances and preparations, noise levels, climate change, protection of biodiversity,
- (b) sustainable development,
- (c) international and regional measures and agreements aimed at protecting the environment,
- (d) restoration of environmental damage,
- (e) civil protection,
- (f) the European Environment Agency;
2. public health, in particular:
- (a) programmes and specific actions in the field of public health,
- (b) pharmaceutical and cosmetic products,
- (c) health aspects of bioterrorism,
- (d) the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products and the European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control;
3. food safety issues, in particular:
- (a) the labelling and safety of foodstuffs,
- (b) veterinary legislation concerning protection against risks to human health; public health checks on foodstuffs and food production systems,
- (c) the European Food Safety Authority and the European Food and Veterinary Office.