Command Under Attack

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Command Under Attack is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game (MMORPG).

[edit] The Game

Play is segmented into rounds, which do not have a set length but last until 50 total nukes have been launched.

The game features characters from four countinents: Asia, America, Europe, and Oceania. Players gain strength and gold by recruiting friends into their army through the use of a special unique recruiting link issued to each player.

Players can attack, spy on other players, launch nukes, inflict casualties, and steal gold from their opponents. Players are ranked every fifteen minutes according to their various strengths (Strike Action, Defense Action, Covert Ops action, and Nuclear Action).

Launching Nukes count towards the armageddon counter. After 50 total nukes are launched in a span of two days the age will end.

You get citizens with a cloning featureand the amount of clones per 24 hours depending on your upgrae The game is free and supported by advertising.

[edit] External Link

Command Under Attack