Comando Vermelho

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Comando Vermelho (Red Command) is a criminal organization founded in 1969 in the prison Cândido Mendes, on the island Ilha Grande (RJ), as a connection of ordinary cons and political prisoners who milited for Falange Vermelha (Red Phalanx), which fought the military dictatorship. During the entire 1990's the criminal organization was the strongest in all of Rio de Janeiro , but today the principal leaders have been arrested or are dead, and the organization is not as strong.

The Comando Vermelho still control parts of the city and seeing streets tagged with "CV" is common in many favelas in Rio de Janeiro. The principal rival gangs of the Comando Vermelho is the Terceiro Comando Puro (TCP, Pure Third Command) and Amigos dos Amigos (ADA, Friends of Friends).

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