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Comalco is the world's eighth largest aluminium company. It mines and manufactures bauxite, alumina and primary aluminium.

Comalco is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rio Tinto Group and provides about 20% of Australia's total production of bauxite, 8% of its alumina and 24% of its primary aluminium.

In 2002, Comalco earned US$256 million for its shareholder Rio Tinto.

Comalco owns the Weipa Bauxite mine, Comalco Alumina Refinery, and Bell Bay Aluminium Smelter.

Comalco also has interests (manages or joint-venture) in other aluminium related businesses:

  • Boyne Smelters (aluminium smelter)
  • New Zealand Aluminium Smelters (aluminium smelter)
  • Queensland Alumina Limited (alumina refinery)
  • Gladstone Power Station (power station)
  • Anglesey Aluminium (aluminium smelter)
  • Eurallumina SpA (alumina refinery)