Colour of the Soul

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People and Wood
People and Wood cover
Studio album by Colour of the Soul
Released 1994
Label Paul Martyn Sound Productions
Producer(s) Paul Martyn

Colour of the Soul were an English acoustic CCM band, active in the early 1990's.


[edit] Line-Up

The group was a duet comprising of Martin Richards and David Crocker both of whom sang and played guitar with Crocker also contributing percussion to those songs requiring it.

[edit] People and Wood

People and Wood was the first and only album released by this group in 1994. Though largely forgotten now it received conisderable acclaim on the British CCM circuit at the time, primarily for the lyrics (see "themes" below).

[edit] Track listing

  1. "Flood"
  2. "Back to Front"
  3. "Sweet and Sour"
  4. "Wish I Could Stand"
  5. "Seed"
  6. "A Promise"
  7. "Probably"
  8. "Fun Fair"
  9. "I'm Seeing This Girl"
  10. "From The No. 41"
  11. "Charlatan Charlie"
  12. "Jasmine"

[edit] Themes

In their lyrics Colour of the Soul tended to eschew the more common evangelising themes found in CCM and Christian Rock for a more "personal discovery" approach to finding the Christian faith.

Indeed the very first song could be read as openly hostile to the more conservative nature of evangelicalism opening as it does with the line "The World is full of intellectuall nutters" and continuing in the same vein with "Who cares who's right, who cares who's wrong, who cares who's left after the flood?" as the chorus.

Not all of the songs are uniquely Christian in theme although of those that are "A Promise" again exhorts the listener to the simpler creed. Other songs deal with interpersonal relationships and "Charlatan Charlie" is an unambiguous warning about the use of cocaine - using similar lyrical imagery to that employed in the Charlie Trilogy of songs found on Eternal Nightcap by Australian rock band The Whitlams.