Collège international de philosophie

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The Collège international de philosophie (Ciph), located in Paris' Ve arrondissement, is an open university co-founded in 1983 by Jacques Derrida, François Châtelet, Jean-Pierre Faye and Dominique Lecourt in an attempt to re-think the teaching of philosophy in France, and to liberate it from any institutional authority (most of all from the University). It is regulated by the 1901 law on associations and received funds from ministeries. As the Collège de France, it is free and open to everyone. Participants may receive the Diplôme du Collège international de philosophie, which is not an university diploma but may be, in some cases, validated in French or foreign universities [1]. According to Derrida, he was inspired by the Cerisy study center to found this new institution, in the midst of governmental threats on the teaching of philosophy in the last class of high school. Thus was created this College, "from a non-governmental origin, with an international span, an institution which is not destined to oppose itself, but to balance, question, open, occupy margins ; where where we would privilege unfrequent approaches or yet unlegitimized by the university approaches, new objects, new themes, new fields; where we would treat more of intersections than of academic disciplines" [1]


[edit] Elected directors

[edit] Members

[edit] References

  1. ^ (French) Derrida: "d’origine non gouvernementale, à portée internationale, une institution qui n’est pas destinée à s’opposer, mais à équilibrer, à questionner, à ouvrir, à occuper les marges ; où l’on privilégie des approches peu fréquentes ou point encore légitimées dans l’université, de nouveaux objets, de nouveaux thèmes, de nouveaux champs ; où l’on traite des intersections plus que des disciplines académiques" Interview with Derrida

[edit] Bibliography

  • (French) Le rapport bleu - Les sources historiques et théoriques du Collège international de philosophie (Jacques Derrida, Jean-Pierre Faye, François Châtelet), PUF, Paris, 1998, ISBN 2130493378
  • Derrida, Jacques. Du droit à la philosophie (Who's Afraid of Philosophy?)

[edit] External links

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