Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh

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Colaiste an Spioraid Naoimh (College of the Holy Spirit) is a voluntary secondary school for boys run under the jurisdiction and patronage of the Presentation Brothers in Bishopstown, County Cork, Ireland.


[edit] History

The school was started by the Presentation Brothers in a house on the Model Farm Road in 1964. This was a time of dramatic expansion of second level education due to government policy regarding availability of free education to all. The western suburbs were also beginning to grow significantly. The school was run from the start by Brother Bonaventure (Bona) later ordained as Father John Murphy. The early years are referred to in Tom Dunne's autobiographical book, see below, (he taught in the school in the late 60s and early 70s). Subsequent principals including Brother Bede, Bertie Kelleher and Frank McCarthy have followed admirably in his footsteps. The Presentation Brothers withdrew from direct management in 1992 and since that time they have been represented on the Board of Management.

[edit] Development & Commitment To A Holistic Educational Ethos

From the start the school had a liberal ethos helped by the large number of young teachers. Pupils were encouraged to think laterally while attenting to acadamic achievement. This ethos has continued with participation in all areas of extracurricular activities extremely high.

[edit] Extra-Curricular Activities

In contrast to many other Cork schools, CSN has always provided a wide variety of activities. Resources are not concentrated on any one particular sport or activity. The school plays Gaelic Football and Hurling traditionally drawing on the hinterland of the St. Finbarr's (The Barrs) GAA Club, and in more recent years particularly Bishopstown GAA club. In addition the school has an excellent soccer team, with many Munster and National titles to their name. The Mountaineering Club founded by Mr. Tony Doherty and assisted in the early years by Mr. Twomey (RIP) Kevin Warner and Eamonn Young was the first school club in Ireland.

[edit] Debating

The debating teams mentored by Messrs Denis Kennedy, Michael Foley, Gerry Hyde and Ms Gillian O Shaughnessy, among others has had many proud victories through the years including 16 Munster Titles and 6 All-Ireland Titles. The student-run debating society has also blossomed in recent times under the chairmanship of Gavin Hurley [1], Raphael Ó Muirthile [2], Joe McGrath, Steven Cull [3] and Eoghan McSwiney. CSN is the most distinguished debating school in Ireland, being current All-Ireland champions (see Denny Schools Debating Competition). [4] [5] Information on former CSN debaters is to be found at:[6] Peter Bourke and Hugh Hurley [7] represented Ireland at the World Schools Debating Championship in South Africa and Peru respectively.

[edit] Past Pupils

[edit] See also

Education in Ireland
Presentation Brothers
UCC Philosoph wiki detailing CSN's debating victories
school website