Talk:Coffee Springs, Alabama

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This page gives facts but it would be hard to really get the feel for Coffee Springs Alabama from what you have read there. Its a small town alot like many in southeast Al. The town was once large , one of the biggest in the county but the great depression took its tole on Coffee Springs like so many other towns... but it hung in there over the years and people lived good lifes, but the town has taken another large hit to it over the last few years, one that has almost killed the soul of it.. ( the closeing of it's school)

Some say that money is the root of all evil.... well its at the bottom of Coffee Springs loseing her K-12 grade school... of course there was a fire, but fire can't kill a school... The folks of Coffee Springs and for a large area around her fought hard to keep home of the Golden Bears open but lost the good fight.
Its been a few years now and feelings still run deep but like any hurt it gets better with time... There has been a Christian school opened in part of what was once our dear ole CS High, will it last??? the Lord knows .. One would think that a Christian school would unite our small town again... But it has not had that result ... so far any way
So reader this is a small part of the feel for our Coffee Springs, one store, three chruches, a small christian school, a Sr. Center and a few lose dogs roaming the streets ( 7 or 8 of them) streets not dogs LOL
We here that live in Coffee Springs are more than 1.2 of anything...facts change , a love for your home town is forever... thanks
        • I was born and lived a good share of my life off and on with my grandparents in the Coffee Springs area. I guess the red clay runs deep in the blood as I never lost the love for the area. I look forward to 3 years from now when I can return (I will be 51 then) to my grandparents farm....the place that I have called home all these years. Yes, we must spread our wings and go out into the world but inthe end we will return to the place we truly love!!!! Coffee Springs and the surrounding area cannot be replaced by any other place in the USA or even the world. Those of you that have had the pleasure to live there your entire life like my grandparents are truly blessed. Take care and see ya soon!!!!