Coetus Internationalis Patrum
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The Coetus Internationalis Patrum was a study group of more conservative minded participants of the Second Vatican Council. The members included prelates such as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Bishop Morcillo of Madrid, Antônio de Castro Mayer of Campos and Bishop de Proenca-Sigaud (Diamantina).[1]
It was originally formed after complaints by some of the more traditionalist bishops of the presence of Protestants and liberal Catholic theologians such as Hans Kung, Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) and Karl Rahner.[2]
As a member of the Preparatory Commission for the Second Vatican Council, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre took part in the discussions about the draft documents submitted to the bishops for consideration at the Council. During the first session of the Council (October to December 1962), he became concerned about the direction the Council's deliberations were taking. Together with several other like-minded bishops, including Bishop Antônio de Castro Mayer, Lefebvre established a study group of bishops at the Council which organized lectures by important theologians. Eventually this group became known as the Coetus Internationalis Patrum.[3]
This study group was concerned about a number of issues at the Council. They feared that episcopal collegiality could undermine papal primacy.[4] They thought there should be a specific condemnation of communism.[5] They opposed the reversal of the traditional formulation of the ends of marriage (i.e. listing the good of the couple before the procreation and education of children).[citation needed] They thought there should be a specific Council document about the Blessed Virgin Mary, not merely a chapter in Lumen gentium.[citation needed] Some also favoured a solemn definition of a fifth Mariological dogma, which would proclaim Mary as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and advocate for the Church with the Most Blessed Trinity.[citation needed]
Continuing complaints from the group about the presence of Protestant observers led to Pope Paul VI questioning the need for the presence of non-Catholic observers.[6]
[edit] References
- ^ With Bishops Morcillo (Madrid), Castro Mayer (Campos), de Proenca-Sigaud (Diamantina) and 250 more prelates, Archbishop Lefebvre created a "traditionalist commando" within the Council, the "Coetus Internationalis Patrum", composed by traditional Fathers who tried to stop the over-powerful influence of the rich and popular Modernist wing directed by Cardinal Bea. A Biography of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, by Father Ramón Anglés
- ^ During a meeting of the Central Commission the Archbishop publicly complained about the presence in the sub-commissions of non-Catholics and of doubtful individuals as Hans Kung, Ratzinger (in black suit and tie), Rahner, Congar, Schillebeeckx, and company. Cardinal Ottaviani told him that the Pope himself required their presence! A Biography of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, by Father Ramón Anglés
- ^ With Bishops Morcillo (Madrid), Castro Mayer (Campos), de Proenca-Sigaud (Diamantina) and 250 more prelates, Archbishop Lefebvre created a "traditionalist commando" within the Council, the "Coetus Internationalis Patrum", composed by traditional Fathers who tried to stop the over-powerful influence of the rich and popular Modernist wing directed by Cardinal Bea. A Biography of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, by Father Ramón Anglés
- ^ Part II, On Collegiality, by Father Basil Wrighton, SSPX USA Website
- ^ Newsletter of the District of Asia - March-April 2000, SSPX Asia
- ^ Ecumenism has, of course, never lacked critics. At Vatican II the Coetus Internationalis Patrum, the conservative opposition, complained to Paul VI that the non-Catholic observers were too influential. The pope, concerned not to alienate the traditionalists, took the complaint seriously. He wrote to Bea, asking if perhaps the presence of the “separated brethren” and their “mentality” were “excessively dominating the council, thus diminishing its psychological freedom.” Paul emphasized that protecting “the coherence of the teaching of the Catholic Church” was more important than pleasing the observers. Priest who was present at the start reviews bold ecumenical vision of Vatican II, John L Allen Jr, January 31, 2003, Word from Rome, National Catholic Reporter