Cobra Island

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Cobra Island is the main base of operations for the fictional Cobra Organization featured in the G.I. Joe toyline from the 1980s. It is featured in both the cartoon and comics.

In the comics, it is located in the Gulf of Mexico. The island was the result of a plan by Crimson Guard scientist Professor Appel. Information in Appel's home lead the Joes to attack an underwater bunker. The attack triggered a faultline which crated a new land mass. Cobra troops were able to capture the island following a ferocious battle with the Joes, while Crimson Guard members gained it sovereign nation status at the U.N.. The island served as the central headquarters for Cobra until after the Cobra Civil War when Cobra Commander abandoned it. Sometime later it was taken over by Firefly, then again deserted. Following Cobra's defeat in 1994, Cobra Island was captured by U.N. forces. It served as the base of operations for Serpentor and The Coil and was purchased by Tomax and Xamot to serve as Cobra's headquarters before the organization moved to the Monolith Base. The island was destroyed when the G.I. Joe team dropped a nuclear weapon on it.

In the cartoon, the island's location and origins were never explained. It debuted in the second season mini-series "Arise Serpentor, Arise" as Cobra's main headquarters.