Coach Z

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Coach Z
This article is about a character
in the Homestar Runner series.
Principal characters



Coach Z is a fictional character in the Homestar Runner series of animated cartoons. As his name implies, he is the coach of the athletic team on which Homestar Runner and some of his friends play. He is also green, and it is unclear whether this is skin or some kind of body suit.


[edit] Character

Coach Z's primary gag is his thick and occasionally incomprehensible Pittsburghese/midwestern accent. An early profile suggested he came from a "foreign country." This accent causes various mutations in common English, for example, the word "job" comes across as "jorb", "jaerb", or even "JAAAAEEEEOOOORRRRRGHB!".[1] He claims to have been a hip-hop star in his home country and is a fan of the Wu-Tang Clan, Digital Underground and Flavor Flav of Public Enemy.

According to one of his trading cards, he had a record of 23 butt pats in 1984, 22 of which Homestar received and the last one he gave himself, according to Homestar.

Coach Z is older than most of the other characters. While Strong Bad, Homestar, and the others appear to be written as children or teens, the Coach Z character is written as an adult, and hence performs a variety of "adult" roles in the series (at one point Coach Z is shown to be the same age as Strong Bad and Pom-Pom, but it is shown only in a Strong Bad flashback, which tend to be sketchy at best).

His favorite piece of advice, which he suggests to Homestar at various points, is "It's like a great sports play. You can't just rush into the score zone." This little gem seems to apply to any type of situation - even the ones in which it makes absolutely no sense.

The Coach has a pathetic life, and is probably the most disturbed character in the series. He has left a message on Marzipan's answering machine in which he drunkenly professes love, and it has also been hinted that he is stalking her. While several jokes involving characters drinking have been made, he is the only character to have actually appeared on screen intoxicated, having passed out from drinking Listerine (it is uncertain whether Strong Bad's consumption of soy sauce counts as drinking per se). He lives in the locker room, and spent one Decemberween eating a TV dinner while pretending to talk to his parents on a non-functional telephone. He has also hinted he has children (more specifically (and bizarrely), he has hinted at being a mother).

[edit] Sports

The details of the sport he coaches remain unclear. While played on an American football field, it also involves basketball hoops and a baseball being kicked around. His actual knowledge of sports seems to be quite limited; in one of Strong Bad's emails he is seen with a basketball, saying, "What is this thing? A bounce thing?"[2]

[edit] Music

Coach Z has had two Powered by The Cheat music videos: "Hip Hop Dance" and "These peoples try to fade me". The latter appears on the Strong Bad Sings CD.

[edit] Alternate versions

[edit] 1936

A Coach Z-like character briefly appeared in the past as "The Fort Wayne Locomotive," a 1930s football player.

[edit] 20X6

The 20X6 Coach Z has a minor appearance in the site's games menu. All that can be determined from this appearance is that in 20X6, Coach Z has eyebrows and more detailed eyes. He is rumored to be the villain of the Stinkoman 20X6 video game.

[edit] References

  1. ^ A Jorb Well Done (SWF). Retrieved on 2006-03-12.
  2. ^ Strong Bad email #124: Secret Recipies (SWF). Retrieved on 2006-03-12.

[edit] External links