CO2 sequestration
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CO2 sequestration is the capture, extraction, separation, collection, etc, of carbon dioxide and a means for its storage or use.
Methods of CO2 sequestration include: (PDF file)
Calcium oxide: Carbon Dioxide reacts with quicklime (calcium oxide), to form limestone (calcium carbonate). [3]
Serpentine: The metamorphic mineral serpentine (magnesium silicate hydroxide), is composed of magnesium, silicon and oxygen.
- Molecular Sieve
- Polymer membrane gas separators [6] [7]
- Porous carbon
- Reversing heat exchangers
- Regenerative Carbon Dioxide Removal System (RCRS)
The RCRS on the space shuttle Orbiter uses a two-bed system that provides continuous removal of CO2 without expendable products. Regenerable systems allow a shuttle mission a longer stay in space without having to replenish its sorbent canisters. Older lithium hydroxide (LiOH)-based systems, which are non-regenerable, are being replaced by regenerable metal-oxide-based systems. A metal-oxide-based system primarily consists of a metal oxide sorbent canister and a regenerator assembly. This system works by removing carbon dioxide using a sorbent material and then regenerating the sorbent material. The metal-oxide sorbent is regenerated by pumping air heated to around 400ยบ F at 7.5 scfm through its canister for 10 hours. [8] the capture, utilization and disposal of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel-fired power plants(pdf)
- news on co2 sequestration