Club set

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In mathematics, particularly in mathematical logic and set theory, a club set is a subset of a limit ordinal which is closed under the order topology, and is unbounded.

Formally, if κ is a limit ordinal, then a set C\subseteq\kappa is closed in κ if and only if for every α < κ, if \sup(C\cap \alpha)=\alpha\ne0, then \alpha\in C. Thus, if the limit of some sequence in C is less than κ, then the limit is also in C.

If κ is a limit ordinal and C\subseteq\kappa then C is unbounded in κ if and only if for any α < κ, there is some \beta\in C such that α < β.

If a set is both closed and unbounded, then it is a club set.

For example, the set of all countable limit ordinals is a club set with respect to the first uncountable ordinal; but it is not a club set with respect to any higher limit ordinal, since it is neither closed nor unbounded.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • This article incorporates material from Club on PlanetMath, which is licensed under the GFDL.