Talk:Clandestine chemistry

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By whom is Uncle Fester considerd a source of not-so-good resource for illegal drug manifacture ?

If you will check out alt.drugs.chemistry, you will see that much of the clandestine drug syntheses world has mixed feelings about Fester. His research is adapted from US Patents and Journal Articles, so some of his information is faulty. When reading his books, you can see what information is gold and what information is questionable; the good information he presents is what he has extensive personal experience with, while the questionable information is just stuff he read in US Patents and Journal Articles. You can see examples in his Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture book, half of it is stuff he has done himself, and is able to explain rather extensively, but some other syntheses in that book are somewhat unexplained. Two other examples are his Home Workshop Explosives book and Practical LSD Manufacture book. In Home Workshop Explosives, he details how to synthesize nitroglycerin; which he does exceedingly well. His instructions for many of the explosives in that book are dead-on accurate to the finest detail. In Practical LSD Manufacture, however, he has no experience whatsoever with LSD syntheses, and all of the writing is based off of extensive reading he has done -- needless to say, Practical LSD Manufacture was not a well-recieved book by underground drug chemists.