Clan MacDonald of Keppoch

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Clan MacDonald of Keppoch crest:Per mare per terras (By sea and by land)
Clan MacDonald of Keppoch crest:Per mare per terras (By sea and by land)

The Clan MacDonald of Keppoch is a Highland Scottish clan and is a branch of the main Clan Donald or Macdonald.


[edit] History

The MacDonalds of Keppoch are descended from Alistair Carrach Macdonald. Alistair Carrach MacDonald was the 4th son of Good John Macdonald of Islay who was the chief of Clan Donald and 7th Lord of the Isles.

For his involvement in the 1431 inserrection of Donald Balloch, Alistair Carrach had a large portion of his lands removed and transferd to the Chief of the Clan MacKintosh.

In 1497 some of the Clan MacLaren stole cattle from the Braes of Lochaber from the Clan MacDonald of Keppoch. The MacDonalds followed them and overtook them at a place called Glenurchy where a battle took place. The MacDonalds won and recovered their cattle. The MacLarens then looked for assistance from Dugel Stuart of Appin. Another battle then took place where the MacLarens were now joined by the Stuarts against the MacDonalds. During the battle Dugel, the chief of Clan Stuart and the Clan MacDonald of Keppoch chief were both killed.

The 12th Chief of the Clan Macdonald of Keppoch called Alexander along with his brother was slain in 1663 in what is remembered as in gaelic as Tobair-nan-ceann meaning the Well of Heads, not far from Invergarry. This is where the heads of severn murderers were washed before presentation to the Lord MacDonnell of Invergarry.

During the Jacobite Uprisings the son of the 15th Chief of Clan MacDonald of Keppoch was among the men who attacked British government soldiers who were preparing a surprise assault on the Glenfinnan gathering. This was the first strike on the government during the 1745 to 1746 uprising. This son of the chief later died at the Battle of Culloden in 1746.

[edit] Castle

The original seat of the Clan MacDonald of Keppoch was at Tom 'a Charraigh at Torlundy et al.

[edit] Septs of Clan MacDonald of Keppoch

Septs of Clan MacDonald of Keppoch include the following. Other branches of the Clan MacDonald have different septs.

Alexander, Sanderson, MacGillivantic, MacGilp, Macglasrich, MacKillop, MacPhilip, Philipson, Ronald, Ronaldson.

The family of MacRanald, now mainly spelled McReynolds, was also a branch of the Keppoch's. A very ancient and rare name in Scotland.

[edit] External links