Clan Diamond Shark

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Clan Diamond Shark is one of The Clans in the popular sci-fi universe BattleTech owned by the WizKids Games Inc. This information is specific to Clan Diamond Shark, more general information can be found on one of the previous three links.

[edit] Overview

Clan Diamond Shark is the only clan to ever change it's Kerensky-given name. Originally called Sea Fox after a marine mammal, the Sea Fox was wiped nearly to extinction by a vicious predator purposely introduced to the ecosystem by Clan Snow Raven to disgrace them. This prompted the clan to alter their name to that of the predator, the Diamond Shark. They were a reserve Clan during the invasion and only captured one Inner Sphere world, Nyserta, before being defeated on Tukayyid. Nyserta was then lost to the Ghost Bears, leading to a renewal of Warden sentiments in the Clan leadership. This Clan is mercantile in its dealings, an intermediary between many Clans and advancer of scientific and mercantile breakthroughs. A predominantly Warden clan, the Diamond Sharks are known for their liberal attitudes, toleration of freeborns, caste intermingling, and free-thinking ways that are unparalleled in the Clans. Clan Diamond Shark changed its name back to Sea Fox in 3100 after the events surrounding their censure by the Grand Council and relocation to the Inner Sphere during the Blakist Jihad caused the development of autonomous trade fleets known as Khanates, and a new chapter in the history of the Clan began.