Civil Aviation University of China

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Civil Aviation University of China (中国民航大学) is a university in Tianjin, China under the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

    CAUC stands for Civil Aviation University of China, which was founded on September 25th, 1951. Bordering on Tianjin Binhai International Airport. CAUC consists of two campus, the northern and the southern, with a total area 1.03 million square meters.

    With the development of civil aviation, CAUC has made steady and continuous progress. Its graduates serving the aviation industry and other sectors number 30,000, one-seventh of all the civil aviation staffs, spreading at home and abroad. The university is renowned as the cradle of talent for China's civil aviation.

    CAUC celebrated her 50th. anniversary on September 22nd, 2001 in Tianjin. The 50 years have witnessed continuous, rapid and wholesome growth in CAUC, its comprehensive strengthen and reputation rising notably. The university defines its guiding principle as setting its foothold on aviation, serving the whole society and opening to the world. Different factors are treated properly.

    While rapidly expanded in scale, CAUC has been rationalizing its structure of educational levels and improving its teaching-quality. Now it has 9 colleges, 5 departments or sections, 7 master specialties, 17 undergraduate specialties, 15 high-level vocational specialties as well as continuing education specialties in aviation. The communication and information system of CAUC is awarded the title of Key Discipline of Tianjin.

    The students total 10,000, including 6,200 undergraduates and postgraduates, 2,500 students receiving vocational education, 2,000 adult trainees, 50 overseas students. Consequently, a pattern of multi-level and multi-form education has taken shape. The spectacular rise in teaching-quality largely benefits from the Five-Point Project, the Project of Modernization of Educational Technology, the Training system of Creative Personnel and the Ensuring System of Educational Quality.

    CAUC has a structurally rational body of teachers, vigorous and highly competent. A number of young and middle-aged reserve leading scholars are standing out, some being famous experts in national and international civil aviation organizations. Of a staff of over 1,000, the number of teachers reaches 450, including 34 full professors, 162 associate professors, nearly 200 master degree or doctor degree holders. In addition, 93 celebrated experts or scholars are engaged as guest professors.

    Also stressed is the dual function of scientific research, which serves social economy and promotes teaching-quality. Noticeably, 11 research institutes, covering almost all the disciplines in CAUC, have attained prominent achievements in: flight safety, aircraft type selection, aircraft and engine failure diagnosis, FANS, economic benefits evaluation for civil aviation enterprises, air transport management, information engineering and computer application. In the past 5 years the annual growth rate of research projects if 78%, that of corresponding funds 154%; 18 projects have received the awards from Tianjin and CAAC. Besides, 926 high-level academic articles are in print, of which 59 are recorded in SCI, SSCI, or AHCI; 58 academic books are published. The university runs 2 learned periodicals, the Journal of CAUC and Civil Aviation Education.

    CAUC is admirably equipped with: 4 experimental centers, 18 comprehensive labs, 4 teaching & research labs up to the highest national or international level, each valued at US$1,200,000, 19 aircraft for practice, 30 types of aircraft engines and equipment for special use.

    The university boasts a large library, modernized and managed by an intelligent system. It possesses a huge collection of Chinese and foreign books, journals, electronic publications, and technical documents for civil aircraft. Internet service and a special room containing Airbus references are available, too.

    CAUC plays a major role in adults' aviation education and continuing education. Open to Chinese and overseas trainees, 6 training centers are qualified for aircraft maintenance certificate programs in accordance with the technical specifications of CAAC or FAA. It is authorized: by IATA to conduct training in air transport and dangerous goods transport; by CAAC to train air traffic controllers, air transport agents and cabin attendants; by the Ministry of Labor Safeguard to train qualified secretaries.

    Foreign cooperation and exchange has been strengthened as well. CAUC keeps friendly ties with ICAO, IATA, AECMA, FAA, JAA, Boeing, United Airlines, Pratt & Whitney, Roll-Royce, Airbus, aviation universities and research institutes in Britain, USA, France, Russia and Australia. Academic exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao and foreign countries run frequent. Many foreign experts or scholars are invited to deliver lectures or to pay visits to CAUC.

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