Citizen and Republican Movement

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Mouvement républicain et citoyen
Leader Jean-Pierre Chevènement
Founded 1993
Headquarters 9 rue de faubourg Poissonnière 75009 Paris
Political Ideology Left-wing populism, Euroskepticism
European Affiliation
International Affiliation
Colours Red, Blue
The 2007 Presidential Election Candidate {{{président}}}
See also Constitution of France

France Politics
French Parliament
French Government
French President
Political parties

The Citizen and Republican Movement (Mouvement républicain et citoyen) is a political party in France. The party replaced, in 2002, the Citizens' Movement founded by Jean-Pierre Chevènement. This one left the Socialist Party in 1993, in due to his opposition to the Gulf War and to the Maastricht Treaty. It is an euro-sceptic party with leftist aspirations.

Chevènement led the list L'Autre politique (the Other policy) for 1994 European Parliament election. It included members of left-wing opposition (socialist and communist candidates) to Maastricht treaty, feminists, radicals and Gaullists.

The MDC supported the Socialist candidate Lionel Jospin for the 1995 presidential election, then integrated the Gauche plurielle coalition. From 1997 to 2000, it was represented in the government by Chevènement as Interior Minister. In order to prepare the 2002 presidential election, Chevènement created the Pôle républicain, which included wide range of politicians: radicals, Gaullists, souverainists, socialists.

The foundation of the MRC meant a realignment to the left. Indeed, the Pôle républicain was supposed to gather " the Republicans of the left and the right".

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