Cirith Gorgor

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For the Dutch black metal band, see Cirith Gorgor (band).

Cirith Gorgor is a geographical feature in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth. It is the point were the mountain ranges of the Ered Lithui and the Ephel Dúath met, to the northwest of Mordor. It was sealed by the Morannon (Black Gate) and guarded by the two Towers of the Teeth, Carchost and Narchost.

The name Cirith Gorgor comes from Sindarin, and can be translated as 'the Cleft of Horror'. 'Gor' and its variants, 'Gorgor', 'Goroth' and 'Gorgoroth', having the meaning 'horror, dread'. It is also sometimes translated 'the Haunted Pass'.

Mountains from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium
Ranges:  Crissaegrim | Echoriath | Ephel Dúath | Ered Engrin | Ered Gorgoroth | Ered Lithui | Ered Luin | Ered Lómin | Ered Mithrin | Ered Nimrais | Ered Wethrin | Hithaeglir | Iron Hills | Orocarni | Mountains of Angmar | Pelóri
Notable peaks:  Amon Anwar | Caradhras | Celebdil | Erebor | Fanuidhol | Meneltarma | Methedras | Mindolluin | Mount Dolmed | Mount Gram | Mount Gundabad | Mount Rerir | Orodruin | Starkhorn | Taniquetil | Thangorodrim
Notable passes:  Aglon | Calacirya | Cirith Gorgor | Cirith Ungol | Cirith Forn en Andrath | Redhorn Pass
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