Cinnamon Brow

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Cinnamon Brow is an area on the east side of Warrington, between Orford and Birchwood. It has a population of 10,466 residents living in 3,339 houses (an average of 3.1 residents per household).

[edit] Facilities

Facilities include several schools, churches, pubs, a University of Chester campus, and various shops.

[edit] Transport

Buses 23,23A,25A,and 25-27 serve Cinnamon Brow.

The 23's terminus is Cinnamon Brow. The route operates every 15 minutes (arriving at 14, 44 and 59 minutes past the hour) during the day, but does not have an evening or Sunday service.

The 23A also terminates nearby (at the residential area known as Orange Grove) at 29 mins past the hour. [1].

The 25 operates every 15 minutes along Cinnamon Lane at 12,27,42, and 57 mins past the hour to Gorse Covert and 1 minute earlier to Warrington, with 26/27 operating hourly on evenings and on Sundays at 47 or 51 to Warrington and 03 or 09 to Gorse Covert.

The 25A terminates here and operates twice a day (early on a weekday morning) arriving at 0525 (5:25 am) and 0625 (6:25 am), leaving one minute later. [2]

[edit] Census Data

At the 2001 census of 3,339 houses in Poulton North (Cinnamon Brow and its neighbouring disricts):

  • 1977 (59.2%) were owner occupied
  • 801 (24.0%) were rented from private landlords
  • 524 (15.7%) were rented from the council
  • 37 (1.1%) were of an unknown status