Cinhil II of Gwynedd

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In the fictional universe of the Deryni novels of Katherine Kurtz, Cinhil II Haldane was the twenty-second King of Gwynedd, reigning for a very brief period in 1025. Known as "The Uncrown'd King," he was the seventeenth member of the House of Haldane to serve as King of Gwynedd, and the eleventh consecutive Haldane king since the end of the Festillic Interregnum.

Cinhil Aymeric Nygel Haldane was born on March 14, 989, the firstborn son and heir of Prince Urien Haldane of Gwynedd and his wife, Princess Jaroni of R'Kassi. Cinhil became Heir Apparent to the throne of Gwynedd when his grandfather, King Cluim Haldane, died and his father became King of Gwynedd. The aging King Urien name Cinhil Commander of the Royal Army in February of 1025, anticipating an impending invasion of Gwynedd by the Festillic Pretender Marek II, King Kyprian II of Torenth, and Prince Jolyon II of Meara. Given absolute authority to see to the defense of the realm, Cinhil deployed his forces during the spring to meet the invading armies. On May 29, he defeated the army of Prince Jolyon, then quickly redeployed his army to face the Torenthi invaders. The two armies met at Killingford shortly thereafter, and engaged in a long, bloody battle that nearly destroyed both forces. Although both the Festillic Pretender and his son were slain in combat, King Urien also fell on the last day of the battle, leaving the crown to Cinhil. The Battle of Killingford was ultimately a victory for the Gwyneddan army, but the cost of life was terribly high, even for the victors. The new king began immediate efforts to save as much of his decimated army as he could, working tirelessly for seven days without rest or sleep. Finally, on the seventh day, he suddenly collapsed and died, displaying no external signs of injury. King Cinhil II Haldane died on June 24, 1025, at the age of 36. He was succeeded by his eldest surviving brother, Prince Malcolm Haldane.

[edit] Family

  • Married Lady Micole of Dhassa on May 3, 1019.
    • Princess Rhetice
    • Prince Aldan (dead at birth)
    • Princess Albina (died at age 2)

[edit] Sources

Preceded by:
Urien Haldane
King of Gwynedd
Succeeded by:
Malcolm Haldane