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Cibo is a main character in the manga BLAME! by Tsutomu Nihei.

She is the head scientist of the Electronic Corporation in the Capitol and joins Killy on his quest for the Net Terminal Gene.

Cibo in Blame! Volume 2.
Cibo in Blame! Volume 2.

Killy 's first encounter with Cibo is at the lower levels of the Corporation in The Capitol, where she has been imprisoned for a crime she had committed against the Corporation. Trying to access the Net Sphere with an artificially created version of Net Terminal Genes was the crime she committed. The consequences of her action led to disastrous results and the Safeguards destructed the entire lab facility.

Cibo's first form is the decaying upper torso of a woman, with machinery inserted into her body to keep her alive. She convinces Killy to take her with him, by stating that he needs her hacking skills to access the files he is looking for. Afterwards she acquires a human form and she destroys The Corporation's President with Killy's help.

She became Killy's companion from then on since he also exploring the City and has a GBE which is the only weapon which can breach the Megastructure.

Cibo has a very subtle connection with the ever-elusive Netsphere. Even if she were able to make a direct connection to the Netsphere, it would automatically invoke the Safeguard.

Later on in the manga, Cibo's physical body is killed by the Safeguard, but her mind inhabits Sanakan's body, and uses its powers to aid Killy in his search. However, Sanakan's mind is also in that body, although suppressed by Cibo.

After the encounter with Silicon Life, Mensab and Seu, Killy is teleported to an alternate reality, where he meets Cibo in her old form. Both Cibos face one another, and seek to return to the reality. In the attempt of that, the Cibo from the alternate reality is killed by a Silicon Life. After their return to the actual reality, the actual Cibo is severely hurt and Sanakan takes the chance to resurface. However, when Sanakan throws away Cibo's genetic (or mind) information, it happens to be absorbed by the dead body of the Cibo from the alternate reality, leading to Cibo's revival in that body.

After Sanakan's transfer to the Governing Agency, a Level 9 Safeguard (the highest level) illegally downloads itself onto Cibo, resulting in her ultimate transformation as the Level 9 Safeguard, and the newly-bred Net Terminal Gene. The sphere which she stores in her lower abdomen carries the gene which can save the city, if taken to the very edge of it. Sanakan, failing to rescue Cibo from the Silicon Creatures, asks for a return to the Base Reality, which is her final time there. She tears through Silicon Creatures to reach Cibo, and then, Killy, Sanakan and Cibo encounter an Exterminator of the First Class. Killy destroys the exterminator and obtains the orb, while the exterminator destroys Cibo and Sanakan.

[edit] See also

Tsutomu Nihei
Blame! | NOiSE | Biomega | Net Sphere Engineer | Abara | Digimortal
BLAME! characters and structures
Killy| Cibo | Sanakan | Graviton Beam Emitter | Net Terminal Genes |