Chuck Lamb

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Chuck Lamb is a 47-year-old programmer from Columbus, Ohio. He has gained fame recently as the self-styled Dead Body Guy. With the claim of "I can lay around with the best of them," [1] Chuck decided to fulfill his dreams of being on TV or in a movie by taking pictures of himself as a dead body having been "killed" through various different methods, and then posted his profile on an artists forum, [2]. His website was noticed by [3] a small PR service, and the resulting press releases generated the initial PR flurry that has gained him fame. [4] One ironic aspect of Mr. Lamb's "dead body" fame is that he works for an insurance company.

Mr. Lamb, has appeared on NBC's Today Show, CBS's Early Show, MSNBC's Rita Cosby Show, and CNN's Paula Zahn Now. His story has been featured on radio stations, many online news websites and major newspapers in the United States (including the New York Times), and has even been featured in international newspapers, including Italy's La Repubblica. A press release on his website claims that he has been featured on over 100 TV stations and over 200 radio stations worldwide [5].

Mr. Lamb's website has had over 5 Million visits as of May 10th, making it one of the most viewed personal websites of all time.[citation needed]

[edit] Latest appearances

[edit] External links