Chronology of colonialism
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This is a non-exhaustive chronology of colonialism-related events, which may recensed political events, cultural events, as well as important global events which have influenced the colonization and the decolonization.
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[edit] 15th to 18th century
- 1415: The Portuguese capture Ceuta (Morocco)
- 1481: Papal Bull Aeterni regis
- 1492: "Discovery" of the "New World" and symbolic date of the European Age of Exploration; beginning of the colonization of the Americas and of the Columbian Exchange
- 1493: Papal Bull Inter caetera on May 4
- 1494: Treaty of Tordesillas dividing the world outside of Europe in an exclusive duopoly between the Spanish and the Portuguese empire along a north-south meridian 370 leagues (1770 km; 1100 miles) west of the Cape Verde islands (off the west coast of Africa), roughly 46° 37' W. The lands to the east would belong to Portugal and the lands to the west to Spain.
- 1498: The Portuguese set foot on Goa
- 1512: Leyes de Burgos on January 25
- 1542: Leyes Nuevas ("New Laws")
- 1542: Creation of the Viceroyalty of Peru
- 1550-1552: Valladolid Controversy and publication of A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies by Bishop of Chiapas Bartolomé de las Casas
- 1624: The British set foot in Surat
- 1717: Creation of the Viceroyalty of New Granada
- 1775-1783: American War of Independence
- 1776: Creation of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata
- 1791-1804: Haitian Revolution and abolition of slavery by the French First Republic (reestablished by Napoleon in 1804)
[edit] 19th century to the First World War
- 1804-1813: Uprising in Serbia against the presence of the Ottoman Empire
- 1810-1820s: South American Wars of Independence
- 1810-1821: Mexican War of Independence
- 1815-1817: Serbian uprising leading to Serbian autonomy
- 1821-1823: Greek War of Independence
- 1822: Independence of Brazil proclaimed by Dom Pedro I
- 1823: British abolish slavery in the West Indies
- 1830: Start of the French conquest of Algeria
- 1839-42: First Opium War and First Anglo-Afghan War
- 1846-1848: Mexican-American War, which results in the Mexican Cession
- 1848: Spring of Nations in Europe
- 1848: Decree-law Victor Schoelcher which abolish slavery (permanently) in the French colonial empire
- 1852-60: Second Opium War
- 1853-55: Publication of Gobineau's An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races
- 1854-56: Crimean War
- 1854- Convention of Kanagawa after Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan
- 1857: Uprising in India against British occupation, which leads to the creation of the British Raj
- 1861-1867: French intervention in Mexico ordered by Napoleon III
- 1870: Franco-Prussian War
- 1870-80s: Conquest of the Desert in Argentina, led by Julio Argentino Roca
- 1877-1878: War between Russia and the Ottoman Empire and March 3, 1878 Treaty of San Stefano
- 1878: Treaty of Berlin recognising the independence of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro and the autonomy of Bulgaria
- 1878-1881: Second Anglo-Afghan War
- 1879: Anglo-Zulu War
- 1880-81: First Boer War
- 1881: Indigenous Code in Algeria
- 1882: Triple Alliance between Italy and the German-Austrian Dual Alliance
- 1883: Publication of The Story of an African Farm by Olive Schreiner
- 1884-85: Berlin Conference (UK, France, Germany) which sets the right of conquest for the scramble for Africa
- 1885: Foundation of the Indian National Congress
- 1885: Treaty of Simulambuco (between Portugal and the N'Goyo Kingdom).
- 1888: Lei Áurea ("Golden Law") on May 13 in Brazil which abolish slavery
- 1889: Foundation of the Republic of Brazil
- 1894: Franco-Russian Alliance, breaking France's isolation by Bismarck
- 1895: Treaty of Shimonoseki between Japan and China and Triple Intervention
- 1895: Creation of French West Africa (AOF)
- 1895-96: First Italo-Abyssinian War
- 1896: Anglo-Zanzibar War (on August 27)
- 1897: Punitive Expedition led by British Admiral Harry Rawson against Benin, which brings to an end the highly sophisticated West African Kingdom of Benin
- 1898: Fashoda Incident
- 1899: Publication of Rudyard Kipling's The White Man's Burden, as well as Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness
- 1899-1902: Second Boer War
- 1899-1913: Philippine-American War
- 1902: Anglo-Japanese Alliance: end of UK's Splendid isolation
- 1902: Italy puts a supplement to the Triple Alliance concerning France
- 1904: Entente Cordiale between France and the UK
- 1904-05: Russo-Japanese War
- 1904-07: Herero Genocide
- 1905: Partition of Bengal
- 1905: First Moroccan Crisis after the March 31, 1905 visit of Kaiser Wilhelm to Tangiers
- 1906: Algeciras Conference to mediate the Tangier Crisis between France and Germany
- 1907: Triple Entente between Russia, France and the UK
- 1910: Mexican Revolution and overthrow of Porfirio Díaz's dictatorship
- 1910: Creation of French Equatorial Africa (AEF)
- 1911: Agadir Crisis
- 1911: Chinese Revolution
- 1912: France establish a full protectorate over Morocco
- 1912-1913: Balkan Wars and Italo-Turkish War (Tripolitania and Cyrenaica are transferred from the Ottoman Empire to Italy)
- 1914-1918: World War I
- 1916: May 16 Sykes-Picot Agreement
- 1916-1918: Arab Revolt initiated by Hussein bin Ali and Emir Faisal
- 1917: October Revolution
- 1917: November 2 Balfour Declaration concerning the plans of a "Jewish home in Palestine"
- 1918: Woodrow Wilson's January 9 speech on the Fourteen Points
[edit] 1919 to 1936
- 1919: Foundation of the League of Nations at the Paris Peace Conference and creation of the League of Nations Mandates (Iraq and Palestine — including Transjordan — are passed to Great Britain's control, Lebanon and Syria to France; the Cameroons and Togoland are split between the UK and France; Ruanda-Urundi goes to Belgium and Tanganyika to the UK; Nauru and New Guinea to Australia; the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and the South Pacific Mandate to Japan; Samoa to New Zealand and South West Africa to South Africa)
- 1919: Third Anglo-Afghan War
- 1919: Non-Cooperation Movement led by Mahatma Gandhi
- 1919-1922: Greco-Turkish War
- 1920: Sanremo conference in April
- 1920: Treaty of Sèvres on August 10 between the Triple Entente (UK, France and Russia) and the Ottoman Empire; Mustafa Kemal leads the Turkish War of Independence leading to the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne
- 1922: Creation of the Soviet Union
- 1923: Proclamation of the Republic of Turkey by Mustafa Kemal on October 29
- 1924: British Empire Exhibition
- 1925: Foundation of the Algerian Star of North Africa by Messali Hadj
- 1921-1926: Rif War in Morocco, led by Abd el-Krim
- 1927: May 19 Treaty of Jedda accords independence to Saudi Arabia led by king Abdul Aziz
- 1931: Colonial exhibition in Paris
- 1932: Independence of Iraq
- 1933: Portuguese Colonial Act
- 1933: Publication of Gilberto Freyre's Casa-Grande & Senzala ("The Great House and the Slave Quarters" - 1933)
- 1934-1935: Long March by the Chinese Communist Army
- 1935: Aimé Césaire coins the word Négritude
- 1935-36: Second Italo-Abyssinian War
- 1936: Franco-Syrian Treaty of Independence (never ratified by France)
[edit] 1937 to 1962
- 1936-1939: Great Arab Revolt in the British Mandate of Palestine
- 1936-1939: Spanish Civil War
- 1937-45: Second Sino-Japanese War
- 1940-45: World War II and Holocaust
- 1941: Atlantic charter signed by president Roosevelt
- 1941: Foundation of the Viet Minh by Ho Chi Minh
- 1941: Syria proclaims its independence from Vichy France, which is recognized in 1944
- 1942: Quit India Movement called for by Gandhi on August 9
- 1943: Independence of Lebanon
- 1945: Sétif massacre in Algeria on May 8
- 1945: Proclamation of the independence of Vietnam by Ho Chi Minh
- 1945: Foundation of the Arab League on March 22 (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen)
- 1945: Fifty states sign the Charter of the United Nations on June 26
- 1945-1950: Chinese Civil War between the nationalist Kuomintang and the Communist Party led by Mao Zedong
- 1946-54: First Indochina War
- 1947: Official start of the Cold War (see Cold War (1947-1953) and Cold War (1953-1962))
- 1947: Independence of India and of Pakistan on August 15
- 1947: UN Resolution 181 on the partition of Palestine in favor of a Two-state solution.
- 1947: French repression of the Malagasy uprising. 90 to 100 000 killed.
- 1948: Declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel on May 14 and first Arab-Israeli War
- 1948: Colonial exhibition in Belgium
- 1949: Proclamation of the People's Republic of China by Mao Zedong
- 1949: Armistice Agreements between Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- 1951: Publication of Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism (second section dedicated to imperialism)
- 1952: Alfred Sauvy coins the term "Third World"
- 1953: US Operation Ajax against Mossadegh in Iran
- 1954: US Operation PBSuccess against Guatemalean president Arbenz
- 1954-62: Algerian War
- 1955: Bandung Conference
- 1955: Creation of the Latin American Episcopal Conference in Rio de Janeiro
- 1956: Suez Crisis between Israel, the UK and France against Egypt, after Nasser's nationalisation of the Suez Canal Company
- 1957: Algerian independence militant Larbi Ben M'Hidi murdered in prison, early March
- 1958: Foundation of the United Arab Republic as a first step toward a Pan-arab nation; it is formed by Egypt and Syria (until 1961). Creation also of the short-term Arab Federation of Iraq and Jordan.
- 1959: Cuban Revolution
- 1959: Independence of Morocco and Tunisia
- 1959: Foundation of the Fatah by Yassir Arafat
- 1960: Independence of French colonies in Africa; the United Nations (UN) reach 99 members states
- 1961: Assassination of Patrice Lumumba, first prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on January 17
- 1961: Formation of the Conferência das Organizações Nacionalistas das Colónias Portuguesas on April 18 in Casablanca, Morocco (PAIGC, MPLA, FRELIMO and MLSTP)
- 1961: Creation of the Non-Aligned Movement
- 1961: Bay of Pigs Invasion
- 1961: Soviet premier Kruschchev declares that the Soviet Union would support all "national liberation movements"
- 1961: Publication of Frantz Fanon' The Wretched of the Earth
- 1961: October 17 Paris massacre
- 1961-74: Portuguese Colonial War; See also Angolan War of Independence (1961-1989)
- 1962: March 18 Evian Accords put an end to the Algerian War
- 1962: Sino-Indian War from September to November
- 1962: Cuban missile crisis in October, which marks the climax of the Cold War and leads to the Détente
[edit] 1963 to 1990
- 1963: Assassination of Sylvanus Olympio on January 13, first president of Togo; he is replaced by Gnassingbé Eyadéma, who ruled over Togo until his death in 2005
- 1964: Foundation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) by the Arab League
- 1965-1973: Vietnam War
- 1965: Assassination of Mehdi Ben Barka, leader of the UNPF and of the Tricontinental Conference
- 1965: Joseph Mobutu becomes the dictator of the Democratic Republic of Congo until his overthrow in 1997 by Laurent-Désiré Kabila
- 1967: Six Day War between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, and Syria (June 5 to June 10), which leads to the occupation of the Golan Heights, the West Bank, the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza strip. On November 22, 1967, UN Security Council Resolution 242 calls for the "withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict" and the "[t]ermination of all claims or states of belligerency".
- 1967: Assassination of Che Guevara in Bolivia on October 9
- 1969: Assassination of Eduardo Mondlane, leader of the FRELIMO
- 1970s: Independence of the former Portuguese colonies, following the April 25, 1974 Carnation Revolution and the Portuguese Colonial War
- 1971: Independence of Bangladesh following the war with Pakistan
- 1971: Publication of Eduardo Galeano's Open Veins of Latin America
- 1971: Publication of Gustavo Gutiérrez's A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, Salvation
- 1973: Assassination of Amilcar Cabral, leader of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) on January 20
- 1973: Chilean coup led by Augusto Pinochet on September 11
- 1973: The PAIGC proclaims the independence of Guinea-Bissau on September 24
- 1973: Yom Kippur War from October 6 to October 26
- 1975: Portugal recognizes Mozambique's independence on June 25 and Angola on November 11
- 1976: Assassination of Chilean Christian-Democrat Orlando Letelier in Washington D.C. on September 21
- 1978: Camp David Accords between Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin
- 1978: Operation Litani by Israel in Lebanon and creation of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon through the March 19 UN Security Council Resolution 425
- 1978: Publication of Edward Said's Orientalism
- 1979: Sovietic invasion of Afghanistan and start of the "Second Cold War"
- 1980: The UN reach 154 member states
- 1980: Assassination of Óscar Romero, prelate archbishop of San Salvador and proponent of the Liberation theology, on March 24
- 1982: Lebanon War
- 1982: Latin American debt crisis (in particular in Mexico, Brazil and Argentina)
- 1983: Invasion of Grenada
- 1984: Bhopal disaster in India
- 1987-1993: First Intifada
- 1988: Assassination of Dulcie September, member of the African National Congress
- 1989: Operation Just Cause against Manuel Noriega
- 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall
- 1990: Independence of Namibia, the UN reach 159 states
[edit] 1991 to 2006
- 1990-1991: Gulf War
- 1993: Oslo Accords between head of PLO Yasser Arafat and Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin
- 1994-1996: First Chechen War
- 1996: Assassination of Dzhokhar Dudaev, first separatist president of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
- 1996-1997: First Congo War, which leads to the overthrow of Joseph Mobutu by Laurent-Désiré Kabila (who is killed in 2001)
- 1998-2003: Second Congo War
- 1999: Beginning of the Second Chechen War (as of 2006, still on)
- 2000: Beginning of the Al-Aqsa Intifada
- 2002: Arab Peace Initiative, on March 28, at the Beirut Summit of the Arab League
- 2005: February 23 French law on the "positive aspects" of "French presence abroad, in particular in North Africa"
- 2005: Assassination of moderate Chechen separatist Aslan Maskhadov on March 8
- 2005: Enacting of Israel's unilateral disengagement plan of the Gaza Strip by prime minister Ariel Sharon
- 2006: Repeal of the February 23, 2005 French law, following criticisms of historical revisionism