Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes

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The Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes is a medieval chronicle written in Latin, probably around 1290.


[edit] Authorship

The chronicle was written by a monk of the Benedictine abbey of St. Benet's at Holme in Norfolk, made clear by his personal involvement in events related to that abbey, as well as the inclusion of a history of the house.

The author is generally supposed to have come from the village of Oxnead, which lies about ten miles from the abbey. This supposition is supported by the fact that a number of monks at the abbey were given the name of their village as an appellation.

[edit] Content

Following a trend from around the time of Henry I, the chronicler has compiled a register of historical events from previous sources, and has edited, removed or added events that he perceived to be less or more important, or of which he himself had personal knowledge.

The chronicler mentions the arrival of Hengist and Horsa but really begins the narration at the reign of Alfred the Great.

Highlights of the chronicle also include the reign of Edgar, the treatment of Jews in England at the time of the Norman Conquest, the Purgatory of St. Patrick, the reign of Henry III and the first elephant in England in 1255.

As is usual in medieval chronicles, the accounts of events near the author's own period are richer in detail and greater in length. In this case, the account of the Battle of Lewes is of particular interest, as are the final defeat of the Llewellyns of Wales in 1282 and the punishment in which Rhys ap Meredith was tied to the tail of a horse and dragged to his death. The accounts of the floods which took place in Norfolk at this time, especially that of 1282, are also ususually detailed.

The chronicle ends suddenly in the middle of a sentence about Robert of Winchelsey; the rest of that sheet is blank. This is seen not as a fault on the author's part, but rather a scribe who was unable to continue his transcript for some reason.

[edit] Sources

The author himself mentions the following sources in the text:

Other sources have been strongly identified, through textual comparison, as sources which the chronicler consulted.

[edit] External links