Christopher Galvin

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Christopher B. Galvin (March 21, 1950 - ) is the grandson of Paul Galvin (founder of Motorola) and the son of Robert Galvin (Chief of Motorola, 1959-1990). From 1967 to 1973, during college, he was a part-time salesperson in the radio division of Motorola, selling police radios. In 1973, he became a salesperson there full-time. From 1984 to 1990, he was the General Manager of the Tegal semiconductor unit. He was appointed to the role of Senior Vice President and the Chief Corporate Staff Officer at Motorola in 1990, and became a member of the Policy and Operating Committees of the corporation. From 1993 to 1995 he was President and Chief Operating Officer. In 1995, he became CEO. Then, in 1999, he also became Chairman of the Board and CEO. On September 17, 2003, he was forced to resign.

Galvin serves on Bechtel Corporation's Board of Counselors; Northwestern University Board of Trustees Executive Committee; Advisory Committee to the Chief Executive of Hong Kong and Tienjin, China; American Enterprise Institute Board; member of the Legion D'honneur, Business Council (US); American Society of Corporate Executives; Chairman of the Board of Directors of NAVTEQ Corporation [NYSE: NVT]; Past Chair of the US-China Business Council; former member of US Department of Defense Science Board; and former Director of the Rand Corporation.

Chris Galvin received his BS from Northwestern University and then his MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

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