Christian Democrats (Denmark)

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Part of the Politics series on
Christian Democracy


Christian Democratic parties
Christian Democrat International
European People's Party
European Democratic Party
Euro Christian Political Movement
Christian Dem Org of America


Social conservatism
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Freedom · Justice · Solidarity
Sphere sovereignty · Subsidiarity
Communitarianism · Federalism
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Catholic social teaching
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Important Documents

Rerum Novarum (1891)
Stone Lectures (Princeton 1898)
Graves de Communi Re (1901)
Quadragesimo Anno (1931)
Laborem Exercens (1981)
Sollicitudi Rei Socialis (1987)
Centesimus Annus (1991)

Important Figures

Thomas Aquinas · John Calvin
Pope Leo XIII · Abraham Kuyper
Maritain · Adenauer · De Gasperi
Pope Pius XI · Schuman
Pope John Paul II · Kohl

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The Christian Democrats (Kristendemokraterne in Danish) are a political party in Denmark. The party was founded in 1970 to oppose the liberalization of restrictions on pornography and the legalization of abortion. It was founded as Kristeligt Folkeparti, Danish for: Christian People's Party.

Since its inception, the party has enjoyed an intermittent presence in the Folketing, or legislature, rarely winning much more than the two percent minimum to gain seats under Denmark's proportional representation system, and frequently falling below the threshold, as happened most recently in the 2005 election. Despite its small size, the party has served in a number of coalition governments. From 1982 to 1988 it was in coalition with the Liberal and Conservative parties, from 1993 to 1994 with the Social Democrats and the Social Liberals. The name of the party was originally Kristeligt Folkeparti (literally: Christian People's Party), but it was renamed in 2003. From 2003 to 2005 the party was led by Marianne Karlsmose (b. 1973). In October 2005, the party elected Bodil Kornbek [1] as its new chairman.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Political Parties in Denmark
Represented in the Folketing:

Venstre (52) | Social Democrats (47) | Danish People's Party (24) | Conservative People's Party (18) | Danish Social Liberal Party (17) | Socialist People's Party (11) | Red-Green Alliance (6) | Siumut (Greenland) (1) | Inuit Ataqatigiit (Greenland) (1) | Republican Party (Faroe Islands) (1) | People's Party (Faroe Islands) (1)

Represented in the European Parliament:

Social Democrats (5) | Venstre (3) | Danish People's Party (1) | Conservative People's Party (1) | Danish Social Liberal Party (1) | Socialist People's Party (1) | June Movement (1) | People's Movement against the EU (1)

In other languages