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Chochem, schmochem
Chochem, schmochem
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Chochem, (yiddish, pronounced: KHOH-chem).

A chochem, or the female chochema, is a possessor of wisdom, a brilliant person. It's the ultimate tribute to a scholar. But it can also be said of a shrewd man because he's so clever, or inventive. It is said with the highest respect, like 'A chochem of the Talmud. Yet it can be used in a negative way, to make fun of somebody. You'd say, 'Noch a chochem'; that is, 'Another scholar!' Or 'Uch, this is a nuclear scientist! A brain surgeon he'll never be. A genius he's not.' You reverse the meaning so that you call someone a chochem when you don't want to call him a jerk.

A newbie to wikipedia (editing, not reading) I have made a few minor edits and written a single article mainly in order to satisfy my curiosity as to how it's done and what the community is like. Oh and NPOV-hype my home town a bit.

I've also made a Stylish extension userstyle for the wikipedia, that's more of a skin than a fix. Check it out here.