Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications

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Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (重庆邮电学院) is a public university located in Chongqing, China.


Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunica-tions, located at Nanshan tourist resort of Chongqing , is a teaching and research institution for higher education with excellence in the area of information technology and primary emphasis in engineering, science and business. The university is also committed to providing professional education in liberal arts, social science, medical science and other areas of its demonstrated competence. The university was founded in 1950. So far more than 30,000 senior professionals of all kinds have graduated from this university. It is currently serving as the director general units of Chongqing Electronic Society and Chongqing Telecommunications Society. The university has some influence in China , particularly in south-west and south-central of China .

   The campus covers a total area of 253.46 hectares, with the floorage of various buildings of 500 thousand square meters. There are about 16,000 enrolled students, of which 14,000 are full time students and 2,000 are adult-education students. The university has 1500 faculty and staff members among whom 100 are professors and 300 are associate professors. 5 members of Chinese Academy of Science and 5 members of Chinese Academy of Engineering are employed as visiting professors of the university. CQUPT currently has 7 municipal/ministerial key disciplines, 6 municipal/ministerial key laboratories, 10 postgraduate master programs, 3 engineering master programs in the area of computer, telecommunications and automatic control engineering and 35 undergraduate programs. It cooperates with 7 major universities and institutions to offer joint PhD programs. The university is authorized to award master degree to qualified candidates with equivalent academic background. It also accepts international students, including those students from Taiwan , Hong Kong and Macao . The university has 14 schools, 39 departments, 21 centers of laboratory and 20 research institutes. More than 8,000 computers are connected in the campus through broadband internet connection. The library has a collection of more than 1.9 million books. The university published three international academic journals which are Transaction of CQUPT (natural science version and social science version) and Digital Communication, and CQUPT News .

  The university has always recognized the importance of scientific research and a lot of its research results such as “TD-SCDMA protocol standard” have been granted national and provincial/ministerial awards. The researches are funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, “863” High-tech project and some other national and provincial/ministerial key program projects and the annual research funds from various sources are more than fifty million RMB yuan.

   Facing with the historic opportunities associated with the onset of the West China Development Project, the unprecedented growth of information industry and the trend of modernization, socialization, comprehensiveness, diversification and internationalization for higher education, the university will continue the policy of keeping the right direction, deepening reform, seeking development, and improving quality, continue to constantly deepen educational and pedagogical reform, improve academic ability and educational quality and reduce cost so that a lot more outstanding professionals who graduate from the university serve the needs of the information development, the economic development and the social progress of the nation and the region.

A Brief History of CQUPT

1950.3---1950.12: Training classes for postal staff ;

1951.1---1953.5: The branch school of Southwest Posts ;

1953.3---1955.4: Chongqing School of Posts and Telecommunications ;

1955.5---1959.2: Chongqing School of Telecommunications;

1959.3---1970.3: Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications ;

1970.4---1973.6: NO. 529 Factory under the General Bureau of China Telecom, mainly engaged in producing some new electronic devices ;

1973.7---1979.4: No.9 Research Institute, responsible for the designing and manufacturing of PCM communications devices and accessories ;

1979.5---present: Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, offering undergraduate, postgraduate, 3-year non-degree specialized programs and multi-layered adult education.

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