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Chjeno-Piast was an unofficial (yet common) name of a coalition of Polish political parties formed in 1923. It included the Polish Peasant Party "Piast" and an older coalition 1922 Christian Association of National Unity (Chrześcijański Związek Jedności Narodowej). The merger was passed during a meeting in senator L. Hammerling's manor in Lanckorona and at times it is referred to as Pact of Lanckorona.

The Chjeno-Piast coalition was the political base of two consecutive governments formed by Wincenty Witos. The first, formed in May of 1923, antagonized Józef Piłsudski, who resigned his government posts blaiming Chjeno-Piast for assassination of Gabriel Narutowicz. This government was forced to resign in December of that year in the effect of massive worker riots in Kraków. The second, formed in May of 1926, had even less support and was soon overthrown by the May Coup organized by Józef Piłsudski.

The name of the coalition was quite unfortunate in that its first limb (being an abbreviation of Chrześcijańska Jedność Narodowa) resembles the Polish word hiena, meaning hyena.

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