Chinese in Japan

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Chinese in Japan
Total population 335,575 (as of 2000)
Regions with significant populations Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, and other major cities
Language Chinese, Japanese
Religion Buddhism, Christianity
Related ethnic groups Han Chinese

Chinese in Japan, also referred to as kakyou (Japanese: 華僑, literally Chinese sojourners) or zainichi chuugokujin (Japanese: 在日中國人, literally Chinese people resident in Japan), have a history going back for centuries or even millenia.


[edit] Population and distribution

Kanteibyou Temple in Yokohama's Chinatown
Kanteibyou Temple in Yokohama's Chinatown

Most Chinese residents in Japan live in major urban areas, such as Tokyo, Yokohama, and Osaka, each of which has a recognised Chinatown as well as schools which use Chinese as the medium of instruction. One 1995 study estimated the Chinese population in Japan to be 150,000, among whom 50,000 to 100,000 spoke Chinese[1]; five years later, Japanese governmental statistics showed 335,575 Chinese residents.[2]

[edit] History

[edit] Pre-modern era

A Chinese legend of uncertain provenance states that Xu Fu, a Qin dynasty court sorcerer, was sent by Qin Shi Huang to Penglai Mountain (possibly Japan's Mount Fuji) in 219 BC to retrieve an elixir of life. Unwilling to return without the elixir, the myth asserts that Xu instead chose to settle in Japan.[3] However, Japan's first verifiable Chinese visitor was the Buddhist missionary Hui Sheng, whose 499 AD visit to an island east of China known as Fusang, typically identified with modern-day Japan, was described in the 7th-century Liang Shu.

[edit] Colonial era

It was estimated that in 1906, more than six thousand Chinese students lived in Japan; many of them resided in Tokyo's Kanda district.[4]

[edit] Post-WWII

Postwar Chinese immigrants to Japan, typically referred to as shin-kakyou, have come to Japan from both Taiwan and mainland China.

[edit] Groups

[edit] Foreign students

Sun Yat-sen (far right) with Japanese friends in Tokyo, 1900.
Sun Yat-sen (far right) with Japanese friends in Tokyo, 1900.

Many famous Chinese intellectuals have studied in Japan, among then Sun Yat-sen and Lu Xun.

[edit] Workers

[edit] Long-term residents and their descendants

[edit] Others

Many Japanese war orphans left behind in China after World War II have migrated to Japan with the assistance of the Japanese government, bringing along their Chinese spouses and children.

[edit] Culture

[edit] Cuisine

Chinese restaurants in Japan serve a fairly distinct style of Chinese cuisine. Though formerly Chinese cuisine would have been primarily available in Chinatowns such as those in port cities of Kobe, Nagasaki, or Yokohama, Japanese-style Chinese cuisine is now commonly available all over Japan. As Japanese restaurants are often specialized to offer only one sort of dish, cuisine is focused primarily on dishes found within three distinct types of restaurants: ramen restaurants, dim sum houses, and standard Chinese-style restaurants.

[edit] Issues

[edit] Ethnic relations

Tokyo governor Ishihara Shintaro has publically used derogatory language such as sangokujin to refer to Chinese in Japan, and implied that they might engage in rioting and looting in the aftermath of a disaster.[5]

[edit] Crime

There exists a strong public perception in Japan that many Chinese immigrants come to Japan to engage in criminal activities.

Many Chinese workers enter Japan under false pretenses on cultural visas. As Japanese immigration law does not provide mechanisms for the entry of unskilled workers, and admission under a student visa requires the approval of a recognised university, prospective workers instead apply to study in language schools, which are more lightly regulated. Business owners with a need for low-cost labour have been known to open language schools as fronts for the importation of Chinese workers.[6]

[edit] Prominent Chinese in Japan

[edit] References

  1. ^ Maher, John C. (1995). "The Kakyo: Chinese in Japan". Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development v16 (n1-2): p125-138. Retrieved on 2006-10-27.
  2. ^ Refsing, Kirsten, Colin MacKerras (ed.) (November 2003). Ethnicity in Asia. United Kingdom: Routledge, 58-59. ISBN 0415258162.
  3. ^ CRI Editors. "Why did Xu Fu go to Japan?", China Radio International, 2005-02-18. Retrieved on 2006-10-25.
  4. ^ Kreiner, Josef, Ulrich Mohwald, Hans-Dieter Olschleger (January 2004). Modern Japanese Society. Brill Academic Publishers, 240-242. ISBN 9004105166.
  5. ^ Larimer, Tim. "Rabble Rouser", Time Asia, 2000-04-24. Retrieved on 2006-10-25.
  6. ^ Soderberg, Marie, Ian Reader (March 2000). Japanese Influences and Presences in Asia. United Kingdom: Routledge, 242-243. ISBN 0700711104.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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