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Tsa Jujmi
Spoken in: Mexico 
Region: Oaxaca
Total speakers: approx. 224,000
Language family: Oto-Mangue
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: to be added
ISO/FDIS 639-3:

The Chinantecs are an indigenous people that lives in Oaxaca and Puebla, Mexicoespecially in the districts of Ixtlán de Juarez, Tuxtepec and Choapan. The Chinantecs are still very traditional: they often wear traditional clothing and practice traditional crafts such as weaving, They generally live from subsistence farming and small scale trade.

The Chinantec language belongs to the Chinantecan branch of the Oto-Manguean family. The ethnologue counts 13 different mutually unintelligible varieties of chinantec.