Chilean rodeo

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National champions of 2006
National champions of 2006
Chilean rodeo in Osorno
Chilean rodeo in Osorno

In Chile the Rodeo is the second sport but practiced, after soccer. It is the national sport and every year is made National Championship of Rodeo in Rancagua. The maximum exponent is Ramon Cardemil that has obtained the title in seven opportunities and the last champions were the brothers Claudio and Rufino Hernández. One practices in the countryside of all the country, mainly in the central zone, being a rural celebration. It consists of which a collera, composed by two huasos and two horses, must stop bull in three opportunities obtaining different scores. At the moment, this sport is prevailed by a strict regulation that, among other norms, it establishes that only Chilean Horse, mounted by riders with clote of huaso complete. Rodeos in Chile are conducted in half moon arenas that resemble corrals called the Medialuna.

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