Chicken Little (1943 film)

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Chicken Little is a short film created by Walt Disney during World War II. This film was based on the famous tale.

The 1943 Disney film tells a variant of the parable in which all the animals are eaten by Foxy Loxy, and uses this as an allegory for the idea that wartime fear-mongering weakens the war effort and costs lives.

[edit] Trivia

Although the book Foxy Loxy is reading from is titled Psychology, the passages are actually from Hitler's Mein Kampf. (According to the commentary on the 2004 Walt Disney Treasures release, the showing of "Mein Kampf" was overruled.)

At least one Nazi reference made it into the film- Foxy Loxy breaks a piece of sky from the sign of an astrologer named "Madame Izan". ("Izan" is "Nazi" backwards.)