
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, my name is Chad. I've always been a huge fan of the wikipedia, but did not until recently decide to join up. I've done some anonymous contributions in the past, but I never bothered to register.


[edit] Education

  • One Semester at Carnegie Mellon University 2003 Fall.
  • One year at Sarah Lawrence College (I plan to continue here)
  • I study literature, philosophy, and writing.

[edit] Interests

  • Poetry
  • Philosophy
  • Aesthetics
  • Local DIY Music
  • Book Collecting
  • UCB Theater

[edit] Music I Like

  • Jerry Lee Lewis, Cheap Trick, Chuck Berry, Screeching Weasel, The Ramones, None More Black, The Presidents of The United States Of America, Rival Schools, Ted Leo and the RX, Bouncing Souls, The Riverdales, Plow United, Pretty Girls Make Graves, The Queers, Children of Bodom, Avantasia, Blind Guardian, Rhapsody, Edguy, Arch Enemy, Suicide File, Ensign, Streetlight Manifesto, Non Phixion, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Necro, Nas, Propagandhi, Big In Japan, Modern Life Is War, Strike Anywhere, Zoinks, Murder City Devils, Kid Dynamite, The Animals, The Clash, Lifetime, Paulson, At the Gates, The Swarm, Charles Bronson, Gorilla Biscuits, Devo, Polaris, Miracle Legion, Nerf Herder, Sinkhole, The Dickies, Propagandhi, IFARM, Strike Anywhere, Ateam, Dead Kennedys, Dead Milkmen, Fugazi, Minor Threat, Stiff Little Fingers, Toy Dolls, Green Day

[edit] Books and Authors I Like

  • Peter Singer, Robert Frost, House of the Gentry by Ivan Turgenev, Don Juan by Lord Byron, Robert Hayden, James Wright, Stanley Kunitz, Randall Jarrell, Paul Blackburn, Portrait of the Artist as a Young man by James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, Malcolm Cowley, Plato, Walt Whitman, Robert Lowell, Terrance Hayes, Wallace Stevens, Archivald Macleish, Jeremy Bentham, Robert Herrick, John Donne, Amiri Baraka, Wallace Stevens, AE Houseman, Joseph Conrad, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Hart Crane, Cummings, Dan Schneider, Goethe, Nabokov, W. H. Auden, Virginia Woolf, Edward Albee, Arthor Miller, Lorca, Petrarch, Dickens, Gore Vidal

[edit] How I Hope To Help The Wikipedia

  • Cleanup some Poetry articles
  • Cleanup some philosophy
  • Try to encourage science and math users to make pages more accessible to the lay

[edit] This Summer

  • I plan to spend a lot of time reading and will use what I learn to hopefully add a lot to the wikipedia.

[edit] Contact

  • Email: cwolf at slc dot edu
  • AIM: ItallianMannerism